John Lennon: A Brilliant & Troubled Icon

How To Pay Tribute To A Man You’ve Never Met, Yet Managed To Save Your Life Anyway, While Still Acknowledging His Flaws. I doubt I’d be here without the Beatles. I don’t mean I’d be dead (though I don’t discount that possibility), I mean I wouldn’t be me. The Beatles are among that most exclusiveContinue reading “John Lennon: A Brilliant & Troubled Icon”


A Man Who Shook The World Passed Away. To Quote Arthur Miller, “Attention Must Be Paid” Little Richard has died at 87. John Lennon was not wrong when he claimed “A-wop-bom-a-loo-mop-a-lomp-bom-bom!!” Is probably the greatest line ever written in rock history. If Chuck Berry provided much of the ground work for Rock’s musical inventiveness, LittleContinue reading “A-wop-bom-a-loo-mop-a-lomp-bom-bom!!”